Wednesday, 4 May 2011

Wednesday in the Word

Well, it's Wednesday again!  Time to share what has spoken to your heart from the verses for this week.

"I thank my God upon every remembrance of you, 
 Always in every prayer of mine for you all making request with joy," Philippians 1:1-2

The thing that struck me today was regarding the first verse.  "I thank my God upon every remembrance of you." Once again, I was struck by the persoanl way that Paul refers to God  - "MY God".  He is our God, when we are saved and belong to Him.  He is my God in times of joy, when I am able to rejoice in His goodness and greatness.  He is still my God when things are difficult or sad - because He never leaves us or forsakes us.  He can be relied upon, because He is unchanging - "great is thy faithfulness".  

However, the other point that struck me, was that Paul said he was able to thank God upon "EVERY remembrance" of them.  Are others able to thank God for every remembrance of me, or do I give them a reason to try and forget me?  Do I say things, or do I behave in a way people would rather forget?  I really trust that I don't, and may God forgive me if I do!

Or, on a different note, is Paul just reiterating the sentiment that he expounds in other places - that "in everything give thanks".  We should be able to give thanks for the good and for the bad, so, no matter how the people in Philippi treated Paul, he was going to be thankful anyway?

Or, is the reality (for which we do have support, based on the rest of the book!....), that they really behaved in a way that was God-honouring, and for which Paul was truly thankful?!  As much as we know this is the case, it certainly made me think of things that challenged me in my behaviour and attitudes!  God's Word truly is a two-edged sword!

So, please share your thoughts - I would love to hear what you have gleaned from the verses this week!

Every blessing

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