Friday, 24 June 2011

The inspiration behind my inspiration.....

As you may remember, I was inspired to learn scripture through reading Ann Voskamp's blog...

holy experience

 However, do you want to read the story of how SHE was inspired to learn Colossians?  It's such a challenge, reading of the heritage that has come of the scripture memorisation that came before....  read it, and be refreshed in your own commitment to memorise the scriptures.

Keep on keeping on.

Friday, 17 June 2011

Freedom to memorise the Bible

I found this article whilst on my internet travels.  It is all about scripture memorisation in persecuted countries and how important it is.  Please read it - your heart will be challenged, and you will realise what a precious thing it is to freely have the scriptures.

In order to receive a Bible in one Christian fellowship in Vietnam, where scriptures are few and far between, the criteria for receiving a Bible flawlessly recite PSALM 119!  And you thought Philippians was a challenge?!

I know I cannot flawlessly recite the verses I am learning, so far.  I am still stumbling and struggling for perfection.

 Are we too comfortable with our freedoms, and take for granted the precious book we hold in our hands?  We know we can pick it up and read it whenever we want, so we don't take the time to truly hide the words in our hearts.  I really  have found that having them learnt well brings them to my mind with more readiness.

Remember your persecuted Brothers and Sisters in Christ in your prayers.  And, be thankful for waht you have, whilst diligently learning the words of scripture...we don't know when we may not have God's Word so readily to hand.

Thursday, 9 June 2011

are you all hanging in there?....

hi folks!

I am sorry things went quiet for a few weeks!  I had been on holiday ("vacation" for you American's!), and since I came back I have had a grumpy, teething 1 year old and then a special weekend of services at our Church.  I was doing a lot of baking, and providing hospitality for a lot of people (ie 25 for dinner on the Saturday, before the service!).

So, I have been here, busily learning, but not blogging!

How are things going?  Are you getting those verses learnt - and learnt well?  I have to confess, that I have struggled with the last couple of weeks.  As I add more new verses, I seem to find it difficult to remember "what comes next", although I could tell you the verses "not joined together", so to speak! I seem to need far too much prompting to remember which verse comes next!  But, it's coming on - I'm getting better.  Improvement in little steps is better than no improvement.  And, the more I repeat it, the better I will learn it.

I have had little helps from various children, as well as Robert keeping me on track too.

Please share how you are doing!  Let us know how you are being blessed and encouraged by the scripture we have learned so far.

Praying for you all.