Wednesday, 27 April 2011

Wednesday in The Word

Every Wednesday I would love it if you would share on your blog what you have been gleaning from the verses you are memorising that week.

Is the Lord challenging you?  encouraging you?  teaching you?  rebuking you?  Whatever you are learning, I am sure we would be blessed to hear the Lord's "still small voice" in your life.  After all, isn't that one of the reasons why we want to hide God's Word in our hearts?  To hear Him speak to us? And, as we hear him speak, then build others up at the same time?

So, come and join in sharing God's blessing. Share how the scripture has spoken to you on your blog, grab the lovely button above (copy link address, and paste), and then link up below!

If you don't have a blog, please leave a comment under this post, and share that way. I would love to hear what is on your heart.

So, let me begin!  I have been struck by the greeting - they send the saints in Philippi "grace, and peace".  Not just grace and peace from any old person.  That would be pleasant, and kind.  But, from God - God OUR FATHER!  Our heavenly Father who delights in giving to us.  Who joys in being gracious towards us, when we do not deserve His grace.  Peace from our Heavenly Father - peace with God, and peace with others BECAUSE of God.  What a wonderful blessing.

Today, I would desire the same thing of you all.  That you know God's grace and peace in everything you do and experience today!  I pray that the Lord will give me a peaceful heart through all I experience, by His grace!

Every blessing,

PS - don't forget to link up and share!

Tuesday, 26 April 2011

Found a perfect give-away!

I was browsing some of my favourite blog's whilst drinking my morning coffee yesterday, and came across
a perfect give-away .

It is a gorgeous cushion that has a pocket at the front for putting Memory Verses into, to keep them safe! I think she designed it for children, but I'm thinking it would work just as well for anyone! I don't know if she will ship overseas, but those who are on the "right" side of the Atlantic could give it a whirl!!

There are loads to choose from, if you are the winner.  

Keep a look out on here for something similar coming up soon....but as a give-away from me!

And, on the subject of "give-away's" another post will soon be up! Drum rolls and baited breath.......!

Trust you are all getting on well with your verses? I have got it memorised...but have the odd stumble.

Every blessing

Sunday, 24 April 2011

"I can do all things..."

Isn't it wonderful to remember this verse as we begin.  It doesn't feature in our memorisation until the beginning of April next year....that is, if you don't already know it by heart already!

"I CAN do all things...." - what affirmation.  We CAN do it.  My Dad used to get me to chant before school races " I can do it"....."I CAN do it"....."I can DO it"....."I can do IT".  PMA - positive mental attitude!

"I can DO all things....." - this reminded me that it's not just going to happen on it's own.  We have something that we need to DO.  We need to put effort into our memorisation - it's not just going to happen on it's own!

"I can do ALL THINGS...." - including memorising the whole of Philippians!  People have done so much more. We are not relying on our own abilities - we don't need to fear our own weaknesses or what we consider to be too "hard" for us.

But ultimately, it's the latter part of the verse upon which we rely.  "...through CHRIST which STRENGTHENETH me."  it's not in our own strength that we rely - our own intelligence  or capabilities.  It's Christ.  The Son of God.  GOD who has promised to give us strength. What other strength do we need, other than that strength which comes from above.

"I CAN do ALL THINGS through CHRIST which STRENGTHENETH me". Phil. 4:13

Saturday, 23 April 2011

"The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Bible Memorisation"

To start off our first week, I want to link to Ann Voskamp's blog again.  She has a great post about "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Bible Memorisation".  I could have copied it all here, but it quite frankly would have taken me more time than I have! PLEASE read it as we start our journey.  It has some really great helpers for committing this book to memory.  I may mention different elements of it on our way through.

You will find it here.

It includes a link to print out the "7 habits..." in the same sized format that I have done our print-outs.

Someone also asked about when we should review previously learnt chapters.  I think that once a week, as she suggested, would be a good plan.  As often as possible would be better!

Praying that we would all start off well this coming week - praying that we will be strengthened on our task, and that the devil would not hinder us.

"Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might.
Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil... the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God:" Ephesians 6:10, 11 & 17

Thursday, 21 April 2011

A step closer

I have finished typing up the print-outs! You can now print out and use them wherever works for a notebook, as laminated cards, to stick up on the fridge, or carry about in your pocket!

It is in the KJV -  I would endorse the KJV as the most accurate translation of God's Word, in English.  If you don't normally use it, give it a go!  Contact me if you want the original document  to change the version.

I also provided the reading plan, then if you just want to read it straight from your Bible, you can.

The print-outs include the reference for that week's verses; the reference for the verses to review; a "days of the week" score off section, to show that you have done your memorisation each day; and, the verses for that week.

Here is the print-out for all the verses.

This is the reading plan.

I will post some pictures of mine as soon as I can...

Tuesday, 19 April 2011

One thousand gifts....

I just wanted to share with you about an amazing book I am reading.  Why?  Simply because it was reading this book that brought me to doing this memorisation challenge.  I read her book.  I found her blog.  I saw her taking part in the challenge to learn Colossians.  And, here I am now!

Ann Voskamp writes with beauty.  With intelligence.  With an astounding honesty and depth.  I don't think I have ever read anything quite like it.  She deals with the issue of "Eucharisteo" - which means "giving thanks".  She deals with giving thanks ALWAYS.  In everything.  Especially in hard times.  Seeing the devastating moment when her younger sister was hit, and killed, by a truck, had a profound effect on her life.  You read of her journey from bitterness and heartache, to giving thanks in everything.

I need to buy myself a pretty notebook (any excuse - *giggle* ), and I will start my own "one thousand gifts" list.  It is recording those little moments of blessing, that are so easy to overlook as mundane or pedestrian, and acknowledge them as what they really are - gifts of beauty and grace from God.

My first ten...

1. dribbly smiles from my littlest child
2. daughter curled up, hidden behind the book she is reading
3. the big, red moon last night
4. the warm sunshine
5. the impromptu gift of flowers from the garden, from a child
6. extra cuddles with a poorly child
7. my dishwasher
8. teaching a child to read
9. bargains at a charity shop
10. new books arriving in the post

This  is the cheapest place to get it in the UK.  You won't regret buying it!  Who knows how it may challenge you, and create the domino effect such as it is having through my life!

Her website is here.

Monday, 18 April 2011

"two are better than one..." (Ecclesiastes 4:9)

As much as this blog is designed to encourage each other in our learning of scripture, there is never a substitute for a real, live person to help you and hold you accountable for what you are trying to achieve.  Have you found someone to do that?

I have asked my husband, who will help me.  He's a natural at memorising things, so I am hoping he will be an asset! However, I also plan to get my children to help me.  As  I mentioned previously, I want to set a good example, and what better way to do it, than to get THEM to help ME?!

Who is your "two"?  Whoever you ask, I am sure they will be encouraged by your journey, simply by helping you.  Plus, they will no doubt end up learning along with you, so you will be helping THEM too! 

Sunday, 17 April 2011


"Thy word have I hid in my heart, that I night not sin against thee." Psalm 119:11

The Lord has been dealing with my heart. It's been a refreshing and uplifting experience, which has come from many quarters. It mostly centres around re-establishing my quiet times in the morning. Those tender, precious moments, where God's word strikes with that two-edged sword upon my heart. Where God speaks in a whisper one minute, and with the a humbling strength that speaks to my sinful soul the next. I have been girded up in my day-to-day life as a wife and a mother, because I am walking closer to the Saviour. I am able to give thanks, with joy, in so many ways. I am becoming, with God's grace and enabling, a more patient, gentle and loving person. "swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath:" (James 1:19) is how I am trying to live my life. My heart thrills on so may levels.

I still have a long way to go, however! I need to get some of the nitty-gritty elements of the humdrum of life sorted. I need to get more organised - more disciplined. And, so here you find me starting with "first things first". If I need to be more disciplined in keeping my home in order, how much more do I need such a determination in committing the precious Word's of God to the hidden parts of my mind, my heart and life?

I have heard of so many stories, from diverse examples in history, of incidences of people memorising large portions of God's Word, and being inexplicably grateful for doing so at some point in their life, when they have either had no access to the scriptures, or have lost the ability to be able to read at all. Believer's who have gone through times of persecution and have drawn strength, peace and security from the scriptures that they hid in their hearts. How soon will this be our circumstances?.....

It's never wasted time to make the effort to memorise the scriptures. Never. And yet, I haven't done so, in any major way, in my adult years. I am thankful for the individual, or small groups of verses, that I have committed to memory. But, it's not enough! I challenge my children to push themselves in life. To always do their best. To go the extra mile. To honour God in every way they can. Am I being a good example? Are they seeing me taking the time to go over....over....over.....God's Word until it's hidden away, never to be forgotten?

That's my aim. To hide God's Word in my heart. To honour God, to be an example to my children, and ultimately so that I fulfil the last part of the verse that heads up this blog...."that I might not sin against thee". If our mind and life is filled with God and His Word, we are less likely to follow into ways that are sin.

Will you join me as I seek to have the light of God's Word illuminating from inside, out?

I will post more over the next few days, with the print-outs and the reading plan that I will be following. Looking forward to sharing the journey with those who wish to jump in with me!