Sunday, 24 April 2011

"I can do all things..."

Isn't it wonderful to remember this verse as we begin.  It doesn't feature in our memorisation until the beginning of April next year....that is, if you don't already know it by heart already!

"I CAN do all things...." - what affirmation.  We CAN do it.  My Dad used to get me to chant before school races " I can do it"....."I CAN do it"....."I can DO it"....."I can do IT".  PMA - positive mental attitude!

"I can DO all things....." - this reminded me that it's not just going to happen on it's own.  We have something that we need to DO.  We need to put effort into our memorisation - it's not just going to happen on it's own!

"I can do ALL THINGS...." - including memorising the whole of Philippians!  People have done so much more. We are not relying on our own abilities - we don't need to fear our own weaknesses or what we consider to be too "hard" for us.

But ultimately, it's the latter part of the verse upon which we rely.  "...through CHRIST which STRENGTHENETH me."  it's not in our own strength that we rely - our own intelligence  or capabilities.  It's Christ.  The Son of God.  GOD who has promised to give us strength. What other strength do we need, other than that strength which comes from above.

"I CAN do ALL THINGS through CHRIST which STRENGTHENETH me". Phil. 4:13


  1. Dear Caroline,
    I am intrigued and inspired by your goal of memorization. I am going to try to join in (I say try because I am due with baby #5 in a few weeks and life with a newborn can be unpredictable and overwhelming at times:) I am excited to strengthen my soul with God's word, especially as I head into natural childbirth:) Please keep me in your prayers!
    Leann Garner

  2. I am just reading this, after a busy weekend. I am glad I gave myself a little head start last week, as I thought it started Monday, today! God bless.

  3. Thank you, I needed this. My grad-cuties are visiting, so this will be a bit of a challenge. :-)

  4. Ok, so I'm as disorganised as ever!! Just printed off the reading list - can I have 2 years to learn it? x

  5. I have finally printed out the first page! Do you have a button we can put on our blogs to link too? Thank you for doing this - I love Philippians so memorising it will be really good! xx

  6. Sarah - duly added!

    Jo - you'll be fine! Robert keeps complaining it will be too easy! lol

    Leann - praying for you. If you want to email me, I can tell you about how my last birth turned out (6th), to encourage you!

  7. Hi Caroline, just to let you know I'm following along and doing this with you. I'm a little behind as I ended up in hospital this weekend, but beginning today.

    Thanks for doing this!

    Vicki H
